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Snow Painting / Peinture de Neige


Let it snow! Let it snow! Watch this video to learn an easy outdoor art experience for your young ones. / Comme la neige est tombée! Visionnez cette vidéo pour...

Lambton College: Create, Connect and Converse


Join Jade and Emma from the Lambton College EarlyON Centre for an opportunity to create, connect and converse. We really miss being a part of your children’s creative experiences at...


St. Clair EarlyON: LIVE Circle Time


Join one of the St. Clair EarlyON Educators for a LIVE Circle Time.  Our educators will create opportunities and experiences for learning through songs, games and rhymes.  To access this...

Lambton County: Explore & Learn


Join Lambton County EarlyON educators each Wednesday morning at 11:00 am for an interactive experience for families. February 3: Engage in some open-ended sensory creative experiences with some everyday items!...