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Parent Drop In; Lambton Public Health

Lambton College EarlyON Centre 1457 London Rd (North Building, Lambton College), Sarnia, Ontario, Canada

A Public Health Nurse will be on-site at the Lambton College EarlyON Centre on every Monday morning from 9:30 - 11:30 AM to discuss your child’s growth and development and...


Parent Drop In; Lambton Public Health

Lambton College EarlyON Centre 1457 London Rd (North Building, Lambton College), Sarnia, Ontario, Canada

A Public Health Nurse will be on-site at the Lambton College EarlyON Centre on every Monday morning from 9:30 - 11:30 AM to discuss your child’s growth and development and...


EarlyON Test 2

Lambton College EarlyON Centre 1457 London Rd (North Building, Lambton College), Sarnia, Ontario, Canada


Outdoor Exploration

Lambton College EarlyON Centre 1457 London Rd (North Building, Lambton College), Sarnia, Ontario, Canada

Join us as we explore the outdoors. Together with your child, enhance your sense of well-being, build confidence and take risks in physical play. We will meet at the Lambton...


Infant Massage

Lambton College EarlyON Centre 1457 London Rd (North Building, Lambton College), Sarnia, Ontario, Canada

Infant massage supports babies, 2-12 months, gain a sense of belonging and well-being. Parents will learn techniques to sooth and connect with their baby. Lead by a Certified Infant Massage...


Fun With Baby

Lambton College EarlyON Centre 1457 London Rd (North Building, Lambton College), Sarnia, Ontario, Canada

Through songs, stories and rhymes, parents/caregivers of infants 0-12 months will discover the benefits of experiences that promote language learning. Responding to the sounds, babbling and first words your baby...


Family Math

Lambton College EarlyON Centre 1457 London Rd (North Building, Lambton College), Sarnia, Ontario, Canada

Parents and children will have opportunities to explore and investigate during hands-on math experiences. This interactive program is for parents and children is JK, SK and Grade 1 only. Registration may begin...


Fun With Baby

Lambton College EarlyON Centre 1457 London Rd (North Building, Lambton College), Sarnia, Ontario, Canada

Through songs, stories and rhymes, parents/caregivers of infants 0-12 months will discover the benefits of experiences that promote language learning. Responding to the sounds, babbling and first words your baby...


Infant Massage

Lambton College EarlyON Centre 1457 London Rd (North Building, Lambton College), Sarnia, Ontario, Canada

Infant massage supports babies, 2-12 months, gain a sense of belonging and well-being. Parents will learn techniques to sooth and connect with their baby. Lead by a Certified Infant Massage...


Sound Start: Lambton College EarlyON Centre

Lambton College EarlyON Centre 1457 London Rd (North Building, Lambton College), Sarnia, Ontario, Canada

Is your child having difficulty communicating? A SoundStart Speech-Language Pathologist from Pathways Health Centre for Children is available at EarlyON Child and Family Centre drop-in's to talk with you about...