An event every week that begins at 10:00 am on Monday, repeating until November 7, 2016
Toddlers have a unique way of learning about their world. They enjoy learning by ‘doing’. With that in mind, this 4 week program will provide you and your child with the opportunity of exploring fun hands on activities that will appeal to the walking 15-30 month old. These activities will be available in addition to the regular drop-in that children enjoy. Many of these activities can be easily replicated at home, extending the learning and fun even more! Come prepared to finger paint, roll balls down ramps, ride a roller coaster and so much more. The session will end with a group time consisting of games and songs.
Pre-registration may begin September 26 at the Lambton College (Main) site in person, or by calling 519-542-6100 Ext. 3. NO child care available