An event every week that begins at 10:00 am on Thursday, repeating until October 28, 2021
Every Thursday morning from 10-11 am, during the month of October, join one of the St. Clair EarlyON Educators on Zoom. This is a registered event that is open to families that have registered for “Creativity in a Bag”. This ‘Create with Me’ live session will provide your child with an opportunity to use the “Creativity in a Bag” kit. It will also give your child an opportunity to expand their imagination, while gathering with friends. These live sessions will foster your children’s natural curiosity to explore, experiment and come up with ideas with solutions. It will help them learn to problem solve and use their motor skills, while creating a unique masterpiece with friends. Even if you have already finished your creation, we invite you to join and share. We are looking forward to seeing you.