An Indigenous Family Advocate from Ska:na Family Learning Centre’s Nwiijkiwensag (Little Friends) Indigenous Community Outreach program will visit the Lambton College EarlyON Centre to provide an introduction to Anishiinaabek (Ojiwbwe...
Please note this program is now full and registration is closed. If you wish to be on a waitlist for the next Infant Massage program, please email [email protected]. Infant Massage...
Join Ska:na EarlyON staff for a nature walk throughout Germain Park on Wednesday, October 18th from 10:00 - 11:00am as we: - Discover changes of seasons through nature - Explore...
Connie VanBellinghen, Registered Dietitian with Lambton Public Health, will be available to answer any question you may have about feeding your child. Topics can include breast and bottle feeding, first...