Let's have a Family Party! January 27 is Family Literacy Day – a celebration of togetherness, discovery, and the joy of learning. Family Literacy Day reminds us how important reading...
The indigenous family coach will provide an introduction to the Anishinaabek (Ojjwbwe/Anishiinaabemowen) language and culture following the seasons and monthly moons using songs, stories and other materials.
The Librarian will be in to share many early literacy opportunities! The librarian shares program information and resources with families and offers an engaging circle time!
Lynne Brown, Registered Dietitian with North Lambton Community Health Centre, will be available to answer any questions you may have about feeding your child. Topics can include breast and bottle...
Visit the Lambton College EarlyON from 10:30-11:30 a.m. for some insightful conversations about Indigenous culture-teachings. An Indigenous Family Advocate will offer creative learning materials/experiences and provide families with information about...