Come and join us for some engaging early French literacy opportunities. Our French speaking EarlyON Educator will share resources, create new language opportunities and provide families with information about bilingual...
A Lambton Public Health Nurse will be at the Lambton College EarlyON Centre (1431 London Road) to discuss your child’s health and development and address any concerns you may have. ...
A Public Health Nurse with Lambton Public Health will be on site to weigh your infants, discuss your child's growth and development and address your concerns, and offer breastfeeding support.
Infants 6-16 months will crawl through tunnels, climb foam hills, and explore their environment. Together, you and your baby will engage in play that celebrates their developing motor skills. Limited...
Consider what a circle represents, strength, unity, infinity, balance, community. How can circle time support a child’s sense of community and individuality? Come and inquire about all the possibilities that...
Families with infants 1 to 8 months are welcome to join this 4-week program. Parents will learn techniques to soothe and connect with their baby. Infant massage can help aid...
Come and join us for some insightful conversation about nutrition and food preparations. Erin will be available to answer any questions you may have about feeding your child (i.e. breast,...
Join us at EarlyON with Ashley Foster from Lambton Public Health’s Healthy Babies, Healthy Children Program. Ashley will be available to assist with and answer questions about child growth and...
Join us for a fun time of reading books, signing songs, and playing games with our local Librarian.
Join us for a fun time of reading books, signing songs, and playing games with our local Librarian.
Join EarlyON educators each Tuesday in the children’s side of the Sarnia Public Library (124 Christina Street South) for an EarlyON pop-up program. Parents and caregivers with children aged 0...
Join EarlyON educators at the Coronation Park EarlyON for Active Babies every Wednesday from 9:00 am -2:30 pm. Infants 6-16 months will crawl through tunnels, climb foam hills, and explore...
Join us at EarlyON with Jane Rops from Lambton Public Health’s Healthy Smiles Program. Jane will be available to provide dental screening for your child(ren) and assist with and answer...
A Public Health Nurse with Lambton Public Health will be on site to weigh your infants, discuss your child’s growth and development and address your concerns, and offer breastfeeding support.
Infant Massage supports babies, 2-8 months, gain a sense of belonging and well-being. Parents will learn techniques to sooth and connect with their baby. Infant Massage is led by a...
Join us after school for bingo and snack. All participants will receive a small prize and a chance to win a family food pack.
For families with children 3 to 5 years of age. During this three-week online interactive program, children will be introduced to various emergent literacy concepts by exploring stories, the alphabet...
For children 3 to 5 years and their parents/caregivers During this three week virtual online interactive program, children will be introduced to various emergent literacy concepts by exploring stories, the...
Come and join us for some engaging early literacy opportunities. Our Lambton Community Librarian will share resources, create literacy opportunities and provide families with information about our library services.
A Public Health Nurse with Lambton Public Health will be on site to weigh your infants, discuss your child’s growth and development and address your concerns, and offer breastfeeding support....
Join EarlyON educators for experiences based on toddler interests and development (16 – 30 months), Thursday mornings at Coronation Park EarlyON. We will sing songs and rhymes, share books, participate...
Families with infants 1 to 8 months are welcome to join this 4-week program. Parents will learn techniques to soothe and connect with their baby. Infant massage can help aid...
Miss Ellen from Lambton County Library will be joining us on Thursdays for some reading fun.
Join us for a fun time of reading books, singing songs, and playing games with our local Librarian.